Brief Resume of Dr. S.K. Purbey
Dr. S.K. Purbey
M.Sc. (Ag.), Ph.D., ARS; Principal Scientist (Fruit Science)
Director (Acting),
(ICAR-Mahatma Gandhi Integrated Farming Research Institute (MGIFRI),
Piprakothi- 845429, Motihari, East Champaran, Bihar)
Dr. K.G. Mandal is the First Director of ICAR-MGIFRI, Motihari, Bihar. He took over the charge on 5th July 2021. Prior to this, he was serving as a Principal Scientist at the ICAR- Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar.
Director's Message
Flood and waterlogging is misery to 113 million people (9% population) in India. It affects agricultural lands, forest lands, crops, livestock, and human life. The excess water causes anaerobic environments in the rhizosphere of the plants which results in poor gas exchange. Available data show that perennial and seasonal waterlogging occurs in about 11.6 million ha in the country. In eastern India, waterlogging problems are associated mainly due to riverine, cyclonic floods and, flash floods. In Bihar, waterlogging problem is the most serious and it occurs in about 0.8 million ha every year due to flooding from Nepal-based rivers viz. Gandak, Burhi Gandak, Bagmati, Koshi, Kamla-Balan etc.